What Are The Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes?



What Goes Wrong in Diabetes?

Diabetes is due to problems occurring in the body processes already given. Such problems can happen when the body is unable to produce sufficient insulin and the person concerned suffers Type I diabetes or when the insulin produced cannot connect with the cells in the body due to insulin resistance and the person concerned gets Type II diabetes. Despite the difference in the causes of the two types of diabetes, there are many similarities in the symptoms of the two types. Sometimes, there are people who even show the symptoms of the two types.

What is Type I Diabetes : Insulin-Dependent Diabetes

Approximately ten percent of diabetics belong to Type I. This type is often found among young adults and children and that is the reason for this type being known as “€œjuvenile-onset”€ diabetes. This, however, does not mean that older people cannot get Type 1 diabetes.

Type I diabetes happens because too little insulin, or none at all, is produced by the pancreas. This means the beta cells have malfunctioned. As a result, the people suffering from this type of diabetes have to be insulin-dependent which means insulin from an external supply has to be injected into the body every day so that the diabetes complications and death do not occur. Insulin has to be injected into the body since insulin can become ineffective if it comes into contact with stomach acids when it is taken through the mouth.


Symptoms Of Type 1 Diabetes – Video Guide


The SYMPTOMS of Type 1 Diabetes:

Through knowledge of the effects on the body when the body has not enough insulin, you will understand why a diabetic shows such symptoms as blurred vision, excessive thirst and frequent urination, unexpected loss of weight , constant hunger, and lack of energy.

  • Blurred vision. If you have high blood pressure, sugar can build up in the fluids of your eyes. The excess sugar draws water with it, causing the eye’s outer lens to swell, which distorts your vision. However, once you begin your diabetes treatment and your blood sugar gets back to more normal levels, your vision will clear.
  • Excessive thirst (Polydipsia) and frequent urination (Polyuria). These symptoms are caused by a condition called high blood sugar or hyperglycemia. In all people, whether they have diabetes or not, the blood circulates through the kidneys. These organs remove waste materials from the blood which are then expelled in urine. The kidneys also act like a “dam” to retain and recycle important nutrients such as sugar, sending them back into the blood. In diabetes, blood sugar rises to excessively high levels, which overwhelms the kidneys. They cannot send all the sugar back into circulation, and it spills over the “dam” into the urine. Something else goes with it—water, which results in large volumes of urine. And as you lose fluids, you get extra thirsty, your body’s signal to take in more fluids.
  • Weight loss. This symptom often occurs because the body, unable to use sugar in the blood as a source of energy, turns to its reserve fat supplies for energy. As fat is used up, you lose weight.
  • Constant hunger (Polyphagia) . When you’€™re unable to get energy from the sugar in your blood, your body sends out hunger signals for more food, Of course, a lack of sugar is not the real problem. The problem is that your body cannot use the sugar already there.
  • Lack of energy. This symptom occurs because your body has no insulin to enable your cells to change blood sugar into energy. Without energy, you feel tired.
  • Other symptoms, Perhaps you had other symptoms of diabetes before your problem was identified. You may have experienced vomiting, nausea, weakness, abdominal pain, or rapid shallow breathing, It’s even possible you experienced it diabetic coma prior to getting medical assistance.

( see Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms )

*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***