Long-Term Effects Of Type 1 Diabetes.



How Does Type 1 Diabetes Affect Your Body?

When your pancreas can only produce insufficient amount of insulin or none at all, you have a medical condition known as type l diabetes. Insulin is sent out to control blood glucose levels that rise too high whenever carbohydrates is consumed. Type 1 diabetics have to depend on insulin injections. Long-term effects of type 1 diabetes can be serious if your blood glucose levels are not kept under control.

see  TIGHT Blood Sugar Control.

see  What is TIGHT Diabetes Control?

Pregnancy Problems

When a type 1 diabetic woman becomes pregnant, the possibility of losing the baby is greater. The chances of the baby being born with birth defects are more. Vision problems, pre-eclampsia and hypertension brought on by pregnancy can be experienced by the mother.

see  Blood Sugar During Pregnancy.

see  How Gestational Diabetes Affects Your Baby?


When nerves of the feet are damaged and numbed, the chances of getting ulcers, broken skin and sores are more. Then, infection can lead to dead flesh and imminent amputation.


Complications From Diabetes – Video Guide



Capturing the image is the function of the retina. The blood vessels at the retina can be damaged due to the long-term effect of type 1 diabetes. This damage is known as diabetic retinopathy and it can eventually lead to blindness. Other vision disorders due to type 1 diabetes are cataracts and glaucoma.


Your blood vessels and heart will also be affected when you suffer from type 1 diabetes. The Mayo clinic reveals that the possibility of high blood pressure, angina, stroke, heart attack, and atherosclerosis will be greater if you are a type 1 diabetic.

see  What Are The Symptoms Of Type 1 Diabetes?

see  Insulin and Type 1 Diabetes.


Neuropathy is characterized by damage to the nerves. After some time with type 1 diabetes, there may be injuries to the tiny capillaries and this can lead to nerve damage. Due to such nerve damage, your hands and feet become numb and experience tingling sensations. You may even lose the sense of feeling in them. If it is the nerves in the digestive system which are damaged, you have symptoms like constipation, nausea,vomiting, and diarrhea. If nerves at penis are damaged, men may experience erectile dysfunction.


Waste products in the blood are filtered out by the kidneys. Due to type I diabetes, the capillaries that are essential to this filtration process can get damaged, resulting in kidney disease as well as kidney failure.


When your bones are weak and easily broken as their mineral density is reduced, you get what is known as osteoporosis. Osteoporosis, due to a lower than normal density of the bone mineral, is at greater risk as a long-term effect of type 1 diabetes.

*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***