Insulin Delivery Devices
There are many insulin injection devices in the market. The more important ones are syringes, insulin delivery pens as well as insulin pumps.
Insulin Pumps
Insulin pumps are small devices which can be programmed to send insulin to the body through the infusion set’s plastic tube. The pump has a container for the insulin and the user wears it externally. The insulin used in pumps is the fast-acting type.
Besides the plastic tubing, there is a tiny needle, called the cannula, at one end of the infusion set. This cannula has to be inserted just beneath the skin of the stomach for 2 or 3 days. Other sites for insertion of the cannula can be chosen.
You can manually program the pump so that a certain quantity of insulin is sent to your body whenever you have had a meal. This imitates the action of the pancreas in non-diabetics. A very small but constant supply is sent to your body between meals.
Since the pump is unsuitable for everybody, you should consult your diabetes health-care team before making a purchase.
For type 1 diabetics, the expenses involved in the purchase of an insulin pump is usually provided for by private health insurance, although there is a period of waiting. The NDSS(National Diabetes Service Scheme) subsidizes purchase of disposable supplies like cannulas, lines as well as reservoirs. The expenses for these disposable items are about $25 a month.
- Different Types OF Insulin Pumps.
- Insulin Pumps Costs and Recommendations.
- Find Out – PROS and CONS OF Insulin Pumps.
Jet-injected drugs may mean the end of needles -Video Guide
Insulin Pens
Insulin companies have their insulin pens, disposable as well as reusable, designed so that the pens must use the insulin produced by them. Disposable pens come with insulin pre-filled in the pens. They are disposed of when there is no more insulin in the pens.
Reusable pens need to have a cartridge containing 300 units (3 ml) of insulin, inserted into the pen. When the cartridge is empty, the user replaces it with a new cartridge. Approach your medical practitioner for advice on a suitable pen for you.
Insulin Syringes
Syringes are available in 100 unit (1.0 ml), 50 unit (0.5 ml), 30 unit (0.3 ml) and sizes. Your insulin dosage determines the size of the syringe you need. For instance, if the dose you require at each injection is 10 units, you need only the 30 unit size syringe; and for 55 units, a 100 unit size syringe.
The lengths of the needles in the market range from 8mm up to 13mm. Your medical practitioner can assist you in choosing the right syringe for you.
Insulin syringes are to be discarded after each use. These syringes are given out free to all diabetics registered under the NDSS (National Diabetes Service Scheme). However, syringes are no longer popular among most diabetics. Most diabetics now go for the more convenient insulin delivery pens.