Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.



Why Do Diabetes and High Blood Pressure (hypertension) Commonly Occur Together?

It is so common for both diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension) to happen at the same time in a patient. Together, they present an even greater danger to the patient than if there is only one of the diseases. It has take more than ten years of studies by doctors and scientists to know the reason the diseases so frequently happen together. Now, much has been uncovered concerning the causes of these diseases although there is still so much more to learn.

Both Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Possess the Same Risk Factors.

Diabetes and high blood pressure seem to have correlated causes. The very factors which lead to hypertension also cause the occurrence of diabetes. Too much fat, salt as well as refined sugar put a strain on the production of enzymes as well as the cardiovascular systems. Too little exercise reduce the capability of insulin, harden arteries, including a weakening cardiovascular system. Being obese brings almost the same results, it increases the risk for diabetes and hypertension.

Diabetes and Hypertension Affect the Same Patients

So, diseases do have the same risk factors and these factors can go to the same patients. Similarly, diabetes and hypertension have the same risk factors, resulting in each of the two diseases affecting the same patient. So, this is like the sharing of risk factors although it may not be so obvious. It is something like what facts have indicated that those who smoke are most probably the ones who also drink alcoholic drinks, even though there is nothing to link cigarettes to alcohol. Yet, there is a connection between smoking and drinking. In the same manner, those people whose lifestyle makes them susceptible to diabetes also have the inclination to do things which makes them predisposed to hypertension.

Diabetes and the effects of high blood pressure -Video Guide

The Self-Reinforcing Cycle of Diabetes and Hypertension

Compare to non-diabetics, diabetics have higher blood glucose. Too much sugar can bring problems, such as gradual severe damage to the small, easily affected capillaries. If the damaged capillaries are situated in the kidneys, it reduces the effectiveness of the kidneys’€™ capabilities in the control of blood pressure, resulting in elevated blood pressure. Such a rise in blood pressure creates a little change in the flow of blood and this leads to damage in other capillaries. Raised blood pressure has an effect on the delicate sections of the pancreas which produce insulin, resulting in higher blood glucose. In this manner, the diabetes and high blood pressure togetherness results in a self-reinforcing cycle where conditions of both illnesses deteriorate after some time.


*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***