Diabetes and Eye Disease – Facts You Should Know.



8 Facts on Diabetic Eye Disease

You ought to be aware of the possibility of losing your sight if you have diabetes. Diabetic eye disease can lead to blindness. Armed with knowledge on diabetic eye disease given below, vision loss possibility can be reduced.

1. Eye Disease: A Complication of Diabetes

Factors such as blood sugar control, blood pressure levels will determine whether diabetic eye disease (diabetic retinopathy) will develop. The possibility of getting diabetic eye disease can be significantly reduced if your levels of blood sugar are kept as normal as possible. Even if it does develop, it will not be so serious.

2. You May Not Be Aware Of Any Warning

Some people get no signs or symptoms of diabetic eye disease, but there are times when symptoms such as those given below are experienced.

  • Double vision
  • Blurry vision
  • Floaters or spots
  • Blank spots or flashing lights
  • The eyes feel pain and pressure
  • Difficulty in looking out of eye corners

3. Yearly Dilated Eye Exams Needed By Diabetics

Frequent scheduled eye checkups are necessary for eye disease detection. To get to see the retina in greater detail, your eyes will need to be dilated by the eye doctor. If the problem is discovered early, treatment can be given to prevent serious loss of vision.

How does diabetes effect my eyes? -Video Guide

4. Diabetic Eye Disease Cannot Be Prevented With Diabetes Control

Diabetic eye disease cannot be avoided even if you can get your levels of blood glucose in the normal range. However, management of diabetes can slow the development of diabetic retinopathy.

5. Diabetics Can Develop Glaucoma

There is a 40% greater chance for diabetics to get glaucoma when compared with non-diabetics. The risk of glaucoma increases as a person ages or has been suffering from diabetes for a long time.

6. Diabetics Can Develop Cataracts

There is a greater possibility of getting cataracts if you are a diabetic. Cataracts develop earlier and progress faster for diabetics.

7. The Retina Is Damaged In Diabetic Retinopathy

Blood vessels in the area of the retina weaken and fluid as well as blood start to leak out when levels of blood glucose are exceedingly high. Although new vessels replace them, these are fragile and may still leak. This results in the swelling of the retina, deprivation of oxygen and nutrients, ending finally in loss of vision as well as blindness.

8. The Progression of Diabetic Eye Disease is Slowed by Laser Surgery.

Shrinking or sealing the leaking blood vessels in the area of the retina can be done with laser surgery. After the laser surgery, the possibility of loss of vision from diabetic retinopathy can be lessened in certain diabetics.

*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***