Blood Sugar During Pregnancy.



Blood Sugar and Pregnancy

Blood Glucose Goals for Diabetic Moms-to-Be.

When a diabetic gets pregnant, more attention has to be focused on her blood glucose. More pregnancy risks can result when a pregnant woman is also a diabetic, and so her aim should be to have her average blood glucose as low as it can go below the normal range without creating any greater possibility of suffering from hypoglycemia or impeding the development of your fetus. It is necessary to have this aim from the beginning to the end of your pregnancy.

You can apply an A1c test for determining your blood glucose average. You get your blood glucose average for three consecutive months before the A1c test.

In order to have good control over blood glucose, it is good to know the target ranges set by your doctor for measuring whole blood as well as blood plasma; including the kind of result provided by your glucometer. The results from a measurement of blood plasma are probably at least nine points more than the results from whole blood. Although the figure does not seem much, but when your aim to have excellent control, that is sufficient to cause worry.


Blood Glucose During Pregnancy – Video Guide


Common Blood Glucose as well as Pregnancy Aims (Plasma):

  • Fasting Blood Sugar:  below 105 mg/dL
  • Pre-meals: Below 110 mg/dL
  • One hour post- meal: Below 155 mg/dL
  • Two hours post- meal: Below 135 mg/dL
  • At night (about 2:00am or 3:00 a.m.): 65 or more
  • A1c:  Less than 6.0%

Blood Glucose Targets

Discuss with your medical practitioner the blood glucose targets suitable for you. Your practitioner will give your targets suitable to your particular situation or other suggestions will be considered.

You can be sure your medical practitioner would like you to have your blood glucose tested more frequently. Many women will be told to have their blood tested when they awaken as well as pre- and post-meals depending upon your health-care team and your condition. And should your healthcare team finds your fasting blood glucose levels high, you can even be told to test at about 2 or 3 am in the morning. Diabetics are advised to test for their A1c level once in three months. During pregnancy A1c tests should be carried out more frequently.

Patients who are unaware of hypoglycemia when it comes and those unable to withstand the rigorous schedule of tests ought to be given higher targets.

Planning For Pregnancy?

When planning for pregnancy, attaining and maintaining healthy blood glucose levels for a minimum of three months, if not six months, is recommended.  To prevent pregnancy happening before you are prepared for it, the use of contraceptives is advised.

*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***