Types of Diabetes.



Three Types Diabetes

The major types of diabetes known to most of us are GDM (Gestational Diabetes Mellitus). Type I diabetes, and Type 2 diabetes.

GDM (Gestational Diabetes Mellitus)

Gestational diabetes mellitus is normally diagnosed during a woman’€™s pregnancy. There is carbohydrate intolerance and this can be confirmed with an oral glucose tolerance test. Less than 10% of pregnant women develop this type of diabetes during pregnancy. GDM could be due to genetic factors, higher maternal age, obesity and belonging to an ethnic group more susceptible to type 2 diabetes. Usually, the blood sugar level returns to normal after the pregnancy but the mother may develop type 2 diabetes later while the baby has a tendency towards obesity and poor glucose tolerance and diabetes in later years. Prevention lies in right food choices, exercise and health care.

see  How Gestational Diabetes Affects Your Baby?

see  How To Treat Gestational Diabetes?


Type I vs Type 2 Diabetes -Video Guide


Type 2 diabetes (Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes)

Type 2 diabetes was formerly known as non-insulin dependent diabetes. It was so called because its treatment does not require the injection of insulin into the body. Type 2 Diabetes also named late-onset diabetes as it usually occurs in older adults. Almost 90% of diabetics are type 2. This type could be genetically inherited but its insulin resistance is mostly brought about by lifestyle factors which are high blood pressure, inactivity, imbalanced diet and weight gain. Usually, symptoms are slow in appearing and due to its late detection; other health problems such as cardiovascular disease could have developed. The treatment could be the right choice of foods, regular exercise, diabetic medication and, perhaps at a later stage, insulin.

see Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms.

see Proper Management of Type 2 Diabetes.

Type I diabetes (Insulin Dependent Diabetes)

Type I diabetes was once known as insulin dependent diabetes. This is because this type of diabetic depends upon an external source of insulin to overcome the body’€™s inability to produce its own insulin. The body becomes unable to produce insulin consequently of destruction of the beta cells in the pancreas by the body’€™s own immune system which could have been triggered by viruses or ingested chemicals, especially among those with diabetic parents. So, it’€™s an auto-immune problem. Another name for type I diabetes is juvenile-onset diabetes as it usually occurs among adolescence and young adults. For treatment, type I diabetics must inject themselves a certain dosage of insulin a number of times a day, eat diabetic-friendly food and exercise regularly.

see Other Types Of Diabetes.

see Rare Types Of Diabetes.

*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***