How Gestational Diabetes Affects Your Baby ?



GDM and Its Risks To Your Baby

Similar to babies from Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic mothers, newly born babies from GDM mothers may suffer from hypoglycemia at the time of their birth. An unusual problem for such babies is the deficiency in calcium and magnesium in their blood. Another problem is jaundice with the yellowness of the skin which is the result of too much bilirubin in the mothers’€™ body.

When you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, your health care providers look out for the above mentioned health problems, diagnose them and give the necessary treatment which is normally easily accomplished. If your doctor anticipates certain problems for your baby at the time of birth, you can request for a neonatologist, a specialist dealing with such risks, to be available in the delivery room.

Fetal Macrosomia

When a baby becomes too large in the womb, it is called fetal macrosomia. This can happen when gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy and blood sugar levels are not under control. When there is too much glucose in the blood, the glucose can go into the placenta and goes into the circulation of the fetus. When there is too much sugar in the fetus’€™ circulation, the fetus produces even more insulin to act on the glucose. Since the fetus cannot be active enough in the womb to use up the glucose, the excess glucose is stored as fat for the fetus and the fetus gains weight.

Through an examination of the fetus with the ultrasound, the fetus may be seen as too big and your doctor suspects fetal macrosomia. If the diagnosis is positive, the fetus may become too large to exit the mother’s body through the birth canal; in which case, a C-section may be necessary. This is one of the reasons for good blood sugar control in pregnant women.

There is the possibility of macrosomia when delivery is after 38th weeks of pregnancy. Due to this problem of having a baby too big to exit through the birth canal, it is advisable to induce labor and have a C-section carried out at the thirty-eighth week of pregnancy. Consult your doctor to think of the best way to deal with the problem so as to ensure your baby’€™s safety.


Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes – Video Guide


Below are Facts on Anti-Diabetic Drug Usage for Pregnant Women:

Research has so far indicated that glyburide and metformin are drugs which are effective in the control of blood sugar levels in certain women with gestational diabetes. But, there is still not enough studies to establish whether there are any long-term side-effects of these drugs. Until the first quarter of 2008, the FDA has not approved any oral antidiabetic drugs for pregnant women.

*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***