IPhone – Top Diabetes Apps
Do you know that an iPhone diabetes app can be used to help a diabetic, his friends and the members of his family to cope with the condition? So, let us see which one is most suitable for you. Below are some excellent diabetes apps for iPhone available.
Insulin Calc
Then, we come to this smart and useful iPhone diabetes app which lets you quickly and easily know the fast acting insulin dose which you ought to take. However, before using this app, you have to find out from your medical practitioner your own Goal Blood Sugar, Carbohydrate Factor and Correction Factor. Together with your present blood glucose and the carbohydrates you have consumed, you then put the information into the app. The app will then calculate the suggested insulin dose you ought to have. This app gives the right dose for the injection of insulin.
(Price: 99 cents)
Glucose Buddy
This iPhone diabetes app has earned lots of praises and is highly-rated. The founder of the diabetes site, TuDiabetes.com, has put it in the number 1 slot for diabetes app. It has been given attention by Wired Magazine, Diabetes Forecast Magazine as well as other medical-focused magazines. It has been known to be able to achieve its main aim of monitoring your blood glucose levels on the internet.
So, it is mainly used for the storage of information for diabetics. It is there for you to put in the numbers of your glucose, insulin dosages, consumption of carbohydrate as well as activities. Then, you can go to glucosebuddy.com where you are given a free account, to see your data. The server will allow your information to be printed. Lately, it has been integrated with Calorie Track, a calorie/nutrition as well as exercise app to assist you in recording activities and food with greater ease. Although the combination is good, users are complaining about the charge of $2.99 for the Calorie Track app even when they do not pay anything for the Glucose Buddy.
Type 2 Diabetes (Understanding Disease: Diabetes & Endocrinology) – Video Guide
Diabetes Pilot
You may think that this diabetes app has a queer name. Does it actually matter? What matters is how dependable and useful the app is. It certainly is dependable as the people who developed this app are those who are professionally involved in diabetes, supported by a well-known company and the designed suitably for diabetic by diabetics themselves. From such people comes a most useful app which is flexible, fast and complete to assist diabetics to cope with their condition.
To be complete, this app has to be feature-packed. It certainly is and regardless of whether you just exercise and diet, take medications only or take insulin too, you will find this app very useful. You can get well organized enough to take care of as well as analyse all data connected with your diabetes. This app allows you to keep data on foods, synchronize with your PC or Mac’s diabetes software, keeps records of notes, blood pressure, meals, medications, and glucose. You can also get graphs on your every day weight and glucose results and other matters.
(Price: $11.99)
Diabetes Buddy
Controlling your blood glucose level which is essential to diabetes management can be done with its help. With the four important features it possess, it enables you check your consumption of sugar in order to have your blood glucose controlled. This app permits to keep a watch on those factors which affect blood glucose levels, keep track of fluctuations of blood glucose, make plans for the future and let your medical practitioner see the all diabetic records.
If you do not believe the advertisements from the companies concerned about their apps, then you can listen to the words of those who have bought this app. This app has a user-friendly interface, simple and clean, and that is why it is useful. It is helpful to have each day’s carbohydrate consumption, weight, water intake and glucose on a calendar. There is nothing else you need to ask for when you can record as well as check your sugar levels, the medications you take, control your activities and much, much more.
(Price: $4.99)
Which is the most recommended iPhone Diabetes App?
If you’re someone suffering from diabetes and hopes to control your blood glucose level, injection of insulin as well as other factors which can assist you in coping with diabetes, every app given above are worth downloading as they accurate, dependable and useful. Diabetes Pilot and Diabetes Buddy, although they are not free, are strongly recommended apps.