Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Insulin Resistance.



Knowing About PCOS and Insulin Resistance

Insulin Resistance

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and insulin resistance seem to occur together. Due to this, there is a necessity to understand this problem. The pancreas, an important gland, produces insulin, a hormone which is released whenever a big quantity of sugar or glucose is detected in the bloodstream. Insulin gets the sugar to be absorbed into the cells of the body to be converted into energy for use by the cells. Women who have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome usually have insulin resistance and their body becomes less efficient in responding to insulin. This inefficiency will result in the need for more and more insulin needed to get the sugar into the cells, finally leading to a change in the manner sugar is dealt with by the body. With sugar levels constantly high in the bloodstream, diabetes results.

During the pre-diabetes stage, a period which may last for 10 – 12 years, before diabetes can be diagnosed as these women usually do not have the signs or symptoms of diabetes. During this period, some physiological changes take place in the body. The body may have developed some resistance to insulin. This results in levels of high glucose after a meal and takes a longer time for these levels to subside. Since PCOS is considered a possible factor for diabetes, it has been suggested that women who has the disease be screened routinely to detect insulin resistance early so that it is possible to start treatment immediately.

PCOS & Insulin Resistance -Video Guide


Up to 30% of the women may have insulin resistance and finally get diabetes. Your doctor would want you to have your blood glucose monitored due to the possibility of getting diseases of the heart and blood vessels, obesity as well as bad health effects. A fasting blood glucose test may be the first of a number of tests given. You will be asked to fast for a particular period of time before your blood glucose is checked. If your glucose level is high, another test, the glucose tolerance test, will be done to see how glucose is processed by your body. Your doctor will get a blood sample from you to check for blood glucose. Then, a sugary drink with a certain quantity of sugar dissolved in it. After the drink, at particular intervals, your blood will be tested to find out the time needed for the glucose to be absorbed into your cells. If the doctor finds from the results that the blood glucose remains high for a longer time than usual, it may be a sign that you are developing insulin resistance.


Although no cure exists for diabetes, some measures can be used to avoid complications. Following the advice of your doctor to do the tests recommended is the first right move. Next, start a healthier lifestyle immediately. You ought to have healthy, well-balanced meals with whole grains, vegetables and fruits as well as low-fat milk products. Sugars or fats are to be avoided whenever possible. Exercise every day, following the advice of your doctor. Begin with a walk lasting half an hour. Then, as you get stronger, add another activity or lengthen it. In time to come, add some light muscle building exercises too.


*** Posted By Natasha A.Nada ***